In this course, we will discuss Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD. We will review what it is and what it is not, including its historical medicinal uses. A review of current Pub Med research articles regarding CBD are presented. We will also look at current marketing trends regarding CBD and the potential challenges that creates for healthcare professionals. Finally, we will present some case studies highlight scenarios healthcare providers might find themselves in.
Credit Hours: 4
CCM Credit Hours: 4
CDMS Credit Hours: 4
Course Type: Online
Certificate of Completion Available Immediately: Yes
Pre Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCAPP, CCM, CDMS, CE Broker Provider, CLCP, CNLCP, COHN/COHN-S, COPS-KT, CRCC, CRRN, Delaware BON, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs, VRA-Canada