

Addressing Burnout in the Behavioral Health Workforce Through Organizational Strategies (DA2301)

Author(s): Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Pre-Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Related, NAADAC, RNs

Credit Hours: 6

Course Format

This course is online. All course material is available online and is accessible immediately after purchase from your account homepage. Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.

Course Overview

This report was prepared for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) as a guide for organization-level interventions to prevent and reduce burnout among behavioral health workers. This report provides guidance to support all health workers by utilizing evidence-based best practices for positive interventions and sustaining change.

Course Objectives

  1. Comprehend how burnout causes physical and emotional consequences for healthcare professionals which impacts their work with clients and within organizations.

  2. Recognize factors that contribute to burnout to review organizational workloads, incentives, and staff recognition of current practices.

  3. Study the literature to extract information for implementing organizational-level intervention strategies to address staff burnout.

  4. Evaluate current strategies to implement better practices for improving staff retention, workplace environments, and coping with stressful events.

  5. Monitor implemented strategies for progress and encourage staff feedback for further improvements or required changes.

Course Outline

  1. Abstract

  2. Overview

  3. Chapter One: Issue Brief

  4. Chapter Two: What Research Tells Us

  5. Chapter Three: Identifying and Implementing Emerging Strategies to Address Burnout

  6. Chapter Four: Examples of Organizations Implementing Evidence-Based Interventions

  7. Chapter Five: Resources for Evaluation

  8. Reference List

  9. Glossary

  10. Appendix One: Acknowledgements

  11. Appendix Two: Literature Review Process

  12. Appendix Three: Revised Interventions

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Customer Testimonial

Another great course. Well written with lots of valuable information that will carry over to my practice.
Patricia H.