

Blast Injuries Part 1: Overview and Treatment (NL0311A)

Author(s): Newsletter

Pre-Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, GA-SBWC, MCBAP-Related, NAADAC

Credit Hours: 10

Course Format

This course is online. All course material is available online and is accessible immediately after purchase from your account homepage. Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.

Course Overview


  • Article 1: Bomb and Blast Injuries
  • Article 2: Explosions and Blast Injuries – A Primer for Clinicians
  • Article 3: Pathology of blast-related brain injury
  • Article 4: Utility of mechanism-of-injury-based assessment and treatment: Blast Injury Program case illustration
  • Article 5: Prevalence of chronic pain, posttraumatic stress disorder, and persistent post-concussive symptoms in OIF/OEF Veterans: Polytrauma clinical triad
  • Article 6: Team approach to diagnosis and management of traumatic brain injury and its co-morbidities
  • Article 7: Central nervous system and musculoskeletal medication profile of a veteran cohort with blast-related injuries
  • Article 8: Pharmacological management of neuro-behavioral disorders following traumatic brain injury – A state-of-the-art review

****CCAPP STUDENTS - PLEASE READ - Please note any course over 8 CEUs/Contact Hours/Hours, must be completed over a 72 hour (or more) time period. Your course start date is the date of purchase, and your completion date is when you have passed your test. For example, 'Completed 7/1/2025 - 7/6/2025'

Course Objectives

  1. Describe and discuss:
    1.) Classification of Explosives
    2.) Mechanisms of Blast Injuries
    3.) Common Blast Injuries
    4.) Emergency Management Tips
    5.) Pathology of blast-related brain injury

  2. Differentiate between the traditional symptom-focused treatment paradigm and the mechanism-of-injury based approach

  3. Explain the complexity of presenting complaints in OIF/OEF veterans and support the importance of a multidisciplinary team approach to assessment and treatment

  4. Define the role of psychopharmacology in post acute TBI treatment and explain the specific characteristics of subpopulations who might benefit

Course Price


Customer Testimonial

This course was outstanding, it is one of the most informative and best continuing ed courses I have taken.
William N.