Return to Work: Mind and Body (NL0809)
Author(s): Newsletter
Pre-Approved for:
Credit Hours: 12
Course Format
This course is online. All course material is available online and is accessible immediately after purchase from your account homepage. Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.
Course Overview
Part 1
Consequences of Being Off Work
- Loss of Self: A Fundamental Form of Suffering Resulting From Chronic Illness
- The Health Effects of Being Out of Work
Medical Factors
- Healthcare Provider Participation is Important in Achieving Early Return to Work
- Improving Communication between Treating Practitioners Results in an Earlier Return to Work
- Current Trends in Stress Claims
- Predicting Stress and Strategies for Reducing It
- Stress Management and Workplace Disability
- Preventing Occupational Stress
- Occupational Wellbeing and its Effect on Performance
- People Who Get Clear Advice about Their Back Problem Do Much Better
- Will an Episode of Low Back Pain Become a Long-Term Problem? Our Psychology is Important in Deciding
- Risk Factors for Work Related Low Back Pain and Strategies to Prevent Long Term Disability
- Identifying the Causes of Back and Arm Pain in an Office Environment
- Factors That Influence the Duration of Sick Leave Due to Low-Back Pain
- A Workplace Education Program That Prevents Neck and Back Problems, and Limits Reinjury
- A Review of Workplace Rehabilitation Approaches for Back Pain
The Impact of Workplace Culture
- It Pays to Be Nice - Employer Worker Relationships Influence Back Pain Return to Work
Part 2
Workplace Factor
- Work is Therapeutic - Rehabilitation at Work
- An Integrated Workers Compensation Management System
- Integrating Work Disability Management into Strategic Plans Improves Morale and the Corporate Bottom Line
- Components of Return-To-Work Programs that are Effective
- Flexibility in the Workplace Assists People on Long-Term Sickness Absence to Return to Work
- Modified Work Programs: Common Barriers to Implementation
People Factors
- Communication By Supervisors Plays a Critical Role in the Return to Work Process
- Views of Employees on the Role That Employers Should Play in Return to Work
- Blame Makes it Harder to Recover
- Psychological and Social Issues that Affect Sickness Absence from Work
- Understanding the Person's State of Mind Helps You Help Them
- Different Influences Combine to Affect Whether a Person Will Return to Work after Sick Leave
- Policies and Procedures that Help Workers Return after an Injury
- Factors That Can Affect a Person's Ability to Return to Work
- What Motivates People to Return to Work
- Pride, Empowerment, and Return to Work
Course Objectives
- Describe the relationship between Loss of Self and Loss of Work
- Explain the health effects of being out of work
- Discuss the factors that encourage/discourage "earlier Return to Work".
- Explain the primary issues inherent in stress related claims.
- Identify interventions that focus on returning people to work and improve participants' chances of returning to full duties
- Describe features and results of the John Hopkins Workers' Compensation Program
- Explain how integrating work disability management into strategic plans improves morale and the corporate bottom line
- Describe components of Return-to-Work programs that are effective and barriers to modified work program implementation
- Describe the relationship dynamics between an injured employee and their employer that either improve or inhibit prospects for early return to work