Ethics in a Multicultural Context (HM2006)
Textbook: Ethics in a Multicultural Context
Author(s): Sherlon P. Pack-Brown, Carmen Braun Williams
Pre-Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, CVRP, Delaware BON, RNs, VRA-Canada
Credit Hours: 10
Course Format
Homestudy, Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.
Course Overview
Ethics Approved - CRC, CVRP, and RRP.
Ethics in a Multicultural Context is a practical text and resource book intended to help mental health practitioners and trainees develop ethical decision-making skills which reflect cultural responsiveness. The main focus is ethical decision-making in an applied counseling context.
The book: covers ethical dilemmas arising in face-to-face counseling interactions; the supervisory relationship; and the teaching of counseling.
Each chapter of Ethics in a Multicultural Context includes cases or critical incidents followed with suggested exercises that can be used in counselor education settings, includes comprehensive and practical treatment on ethical decision-making in a multicultural context and focuses on strategies to promote critical thinking in regard to ethical multicultural practice.
This course is ETHICS PRE-APPROVED for CCM, CRC, CDMS, CLCP, CVRP, and RRP. The CCMC Code of Professional Conduct will be referenced in this presentation.
Chapters 4 - 12
Chapter 4. Confused? Try Thinking in a Competent and Multicultural Context - Competence within a Cultural Context
- AMCD Multicultural Competencies
- Moral Principles of Three Codes of Ethics: The View within a Cultural Context
- A Multicultural Framework: Ethical Thinking and Decision-Making within a Multicultural Context
- Review of ACA, APA, and NASW Ethical Codes Within a Cultural Content
- Critical Incident
- Summary and Key Points
Chapter 5. Awareness: The First Stage of Ethical Thinking in a Multicultural Context - The Person and Then the Professional
- A Framework Promoting Self-Awareness to Facilitate Understanding the Cultural Behavior of Others
- Approach to Difference
- Critical Incident
- Summary and Key Points
Chapter 6. Knowledge and Skills, Stages 2 and 3: Ethical Thinking and Decision-Making in a Multicultural Context - Precounseling: Becoming a Helper Within a Multicultural Context
- Adapting Learned Skills and Counseling Theory to Work Ethically Within a Client's Cultural Framework
- Plan of Action: Moving from Awareness and Knowledge to Action
- Ethical Decision Making In a Multicultual Context
- Summary and Key Points
Section III Overview
Chapters 7 thru 12 cover each of the following areas: - ACA Code
- APA Code
- NASW Code
- Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- Expert's Discussion
Chapter 7. Dual Relationships
Chapter 8. Unintentional Cultural Bias
Chapter 9. Client Welfare
Chapter 10. Bartering for Service
Chapter 11. Fostering Dependency
Chapter 12. Boundaries of Competence
Course Objectives
- Identify and apply the three stages of Ethical Thinking in a multicultural context
- Formulate a decision-making framework and concrete guidelines for ethical problem solving in a multicultural context.