

Marijuana Use In The Adolescent Population - Understanding the Impacts on Brain Development (NA2350)

Author(s): Patsy Barnes, RN, BA

Pre-Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CCAPP, CCM, CDMS, CE Broker Provider, CLCP, COHN/COHN-S, CRCC, CRRN, CVE, CVRP, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Specific , NAADAC, RNs

Credit Hours: 3

CCM Credit Hours: 2

CDMS Credit Hours: 2

Course Format

This course is online. All course material is available online and is accessible immediately after purchase from your account homepage. Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.

Course Overview

As marijuana use in the United States increases, a general lack of research into the drug and its effects on the brain represents a conundrum. The research that has been conducted illustrates a difficult picture for teens using the drug during this crucial time of brain development. In this course, we present that dilemma and the efforts to monitor the use in that age group. Healthcare providers who deal with adolescents need to be aware of the dangers and the current body of research in this area. In addition, we will also discuss problems with Delta 8, a new derivative of the hemp plant, which is causing difficulties in the control and research of marijuana in teens.

Course Objectives

  1. Explain what marijuana is and the many ways for its use.

  2. Describe the effect marijuana has on the brain and its development.

  3. List some current statistics on teen use nationwide.

  4. Present the dangers of marijuana use to teens and young adults and its effects on their lives.

  5. Describe the ABCD study and its objectives.

  6. Explain what delta-8 is and the difficulties with its regulation.

Course Outline

  1. What is Marijuana?

  2. Statistics on Teen Use and Abuse

  3. What is its Effect on the Brain?

  4. Concern for the Developing Brain and Use in Teens

  5. ABCD Study

  6. Delta-8 and its Use and Abuse

  7. Current Headlines regarding Teens and Marijuana Use

Customer Testimonial

Very good and informative information.
Vickie C.