Reconsidering the Roots, Structure, and Implications of Gambling Motives: An integrative Approach (DA2265)
Author(s): Newsletter
Pre-Approved for: CA BRN, CCAPP, CE Broker Provider, Delaware BON, FCB, MCBAP-Related, NAADAC
Credit Hours: 3
Course Format
This course is online. All course material is available online and is accessible immediately after purchase from your account homepage. Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.
Course Overview
This course discusses motives for gambling. It examines social, financial, fun/thrill, and negative affect factors of both problem and non-gamblers. This is a research-intensive course.
This course is based on the reading-based online article, Reconsidering the Roots, Structure, and Implications of Gambling Motives-An Integrative Approach created by Juan R. Barrada, Ph.D., Juan F. Navas, PhD., and Cristian M. Ruiz de Lara in 2019.
Course Objectives
- Recognize Gray's Psychobiological Model of Personality.
- Identify the factors and motivators for gambling and problem gambling.
- Summarize which is the strongest motivator in problem gamblers.
Course Outline
- Introduction
- Method
- Results
Course Preview