

Parkinson's Disease (NA1884_O)

Author(s): Patsy Barnes, RN, BA

Pre-Approved for:

Credit Hours: 6

Course Format

This course is online. All course material is available online and is accessible immediately after purchase from your account homepage. Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.

Course Overview

In this course, we will present Parkinson’s disease, including both Parkinson’s Dementia and early onset Parkinson’s. We will then focus on the various symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. Relating to treatment options, there will be a specific discussion on stem cell treatment and the controversies around it.

There is then a section discussing the ADA law as it relates to individuals with Parkinson’s. We will highlight some of the accommodations that can be used in the workplace for people with Parkinson’s.

Course Objectives

  1. Discuss the disease of Parkinson's including symptoms, treatment, and causes

  2. Present the differences in Parkinson's dementia and early onset Parkinson's

  3. Explain the treatment with stem cell therapy and the controversy surrounding that treatment

  4. List ways to assist in the caregiving of patients with Parkinson's disease

  5. Discuss the ADA law as it relates to patients with Parkinson's and some accommodations that can be made in the employment of such patients.

Course Outline

  1. Overview and in depth presentation of Parkinson's disease

  2. Parkinson's dementia, diagnosis, and treatment

  3. Early onset Parkinson's

  4. Stages of Parkinson's disease and Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale

  5. Treatment both conventional and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM)

  6. Stem cell treatment and controversy regarding it

  7. Myths about Parkinson's

  8. Caregiving and Parkinson's

  9. ADA law and Parkinson's disease, including JAN recommendations for workplace accommodations and disability under social security

Course Price


Customer Testimonial

An excellent course in Case Management essentials. Reading materials and testing are useful tools in learning about Case Management.
Elizabeth C.