Counseling Ethics: Philosophical and Professional Foundations (HM4020)
Textbook: Counseling Ethics: Philosophical and Professional Foundations
Author(s): Christian Junger and Jocelyn Gregoire
Pre-Approved for: CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, CRCC, Delaware BON
Credit Hours: 16
Course Format
Homestudy, Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.
Course Overview
This is a homestudy course based on the book Counseling Ethics: Philosophical and Professional Foundations. This course offers students a look at counseling ethics from positive and philosophical points of view. This book introduces varying philosophical points of view that will stretch the student's mind to highlight that there are many approaches to determining what is good and ethical.
This course provides philosophical context for understanding counseling ethics, best practices with regard to ethical standards and obligations, and ethical issues in various practice settings and counseling specialties. This course is a resource that reminds students about the most important fibers of the counseling profession: critical thinking, clinical integrity, client care, moral behavior, reflective practices, and a desire to do good for clients in all situations.
Course Objectives
- Be able to describe the four most influential schools of contemporary philosophy to influence the formation of the American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics
- Understand the importance of coming to an individualized approach to using a set of philosophical ideas in counseling practice
- Be able to apply various schools of philosophical ethics in the decision-making process surrounding counseling cases
- Be introduced to the idea of professional competence as related to counselors' beliefs and attitudes, knowledge of the profession's history and professional skill set
- Understand the basic tenets of ethical behavior
- Be able to use the moral principle to conceptualize an ethical dilemma
- Learn the importance of spiritual, personal, and cultural values in the context of counseling
- Be able to describe what is meant by boundaries in professional counseling relationships
- Understand the purpose, practice, and value of maintaining confidentiality in counseling
- Be able to recognize and apply ethical standards with regard to record keeping in counseling
- Be able to value habits and practices that lead to the formation of character excellences, such as courage, moderation, sense of self-worth, and open-handedness
- Recognize some potential benefits and drawbacks of diagnosis
- Understand the rights of clients in the assessment process and research study
- Recognize the difference between laws and ethics
- Understand the purpose, practice, and value of ethical decision making in career counseling
Course Outline
- Part I
1. Philosophy and Counselor Ethics
2. An Existential Approach to Understanding Counselor Identity
3. Frameworks and Models in Ethical Decision Making
- Part II
4. Spiritual, Personal, and Cultural Values in Counseling Ethics
5. Standing Up to the Ethical Challenges Related to Boundaries in Counseling
6. Ethical and Legal Considerations for Confidentiality in Counseling
7. Record Keeping and Technology in Counseling Ethics
8. Ethical Features Related to Developing and Sustaining Professional Excellence
9. Ethical Considerations in Counseling Practice, Research, and Education
10. Ethical Issues in Conducting Clinical Supervision
- Part III
11. Rebellion and the Absurd: Camus's Moral Philosophy and Ethical Issues in Career Counseling