

Integrated Case Management (HM6004)

Textbook: Integrated Case Management

Author(s): Kathleen Fraser, Rebecca Perez, Corine Latour

Pre-Approved for: ACM, CA BRN, CE Broker Provider, CRRN, Delaware BON, RNs

Credit Hours: 20

Course Format

Homestudy, Certificate of Completion is available immediately upon passing the exam.

Course Overview

This course is a homestudy course based on the textbook, CMSA's Integrated Case Management, a manual for case managers by case managers. Case managers using the integrated Case Management (ICM) model will be able to integrate new regulations, describe alternative payment options, and implement requirements for greater patient and family assessment, care planning, and care coordination in their practices. With a wealth of information on regulatory requirements, new models of care, integration of services, digital and telemedicine, and new performance measures that are clearly defined for nurses in nursing terminology, chapters outline the steps needed to begin, implement, and use the interventions of the Integrated Case Management approach. Included in this course are a number of tools to assist the case manager in being successful in their role.

Course Objectives

  1. Discuss the evolution of Case Management

  2. Apply the mechanics of Integrated Case Management

  3. Assess an individual and, together, create a case management plan

  4. Optimize each individual's functional independence, health outcomes, and quality of life

  5. Identify complex patients requiring multidisciplinary care

  6. Explain the concept of motivational interviewing and shared decision-making

  7. Discuss professional case management accreditation

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Integrated Case Management and its Models

  2. Assessment of Patient Population Using Integrated Case Management

  3. Strategies for Optimal Patient Communication and Outcomes with Integrated Case Management

  4. Transitions of Care and Accreditation Care in Integrated Case Management

  5. Appendix A - CMSA's definition of Professional Case Management and the Standards of Professional Case Management Practice

  6. Appendix B - Interdisciplinary Case Management Team

  7. Appendix C - Triggers for Integrated Case Management Intervention

  8. Appendix D - Adult Integrated Case Management Complexity Grid

  9. Appendix E - Adult Integrated Case Management Complexity Grid and Rating Scales

  10. Appendix F - Pediatric Integrated Case Management Complexity Grid

  11. Appendix G - Pediatric Integrated Case Management Complexity Grid and Rating Scales

  12. Appendix H - ICM-CAG Scoring Sheet

  13. Appendix I - PIM-CAG Scoring Sheet

  14. Appendix J - Definition of Terms

  15. Appendix K - Abbreviations

  16. Appendix L - Suggested Scripted Interview Questions

Course Price
w/ Book


Customer Testimonial

Great course, with a new holistic approach. I liked that pediatrics was incorporated
Lori K.